Remembering that God never changes
I was recently reading the book of Daniel when I noticed how fickle man can be. The southern kingdom of Judah was invaded by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzer. God’s people were taken captive and exiled in Babylon. He then ordered for young men who were handsome, smart and of nobility to be culturally integrated over a period of 3 years
Building healthy relationships
Healthy relationships have been shown to increase our happiness, improve health and reduce stress. Studies show that people with healthy relationships have more happiness and less stress.
We all encounter feelings of loneliness from time to time, but despite the experience being incredibly common, the signs of loneliness can vary immensely from person to person based on their gender, age, relationship status, mental health, or personal situation.
Abuse, kills the soul and scars the heart.
Abuse, I had to study it, in a quest of getting answers and an understanding on why it happens. Since abuse is extensive, in this article I will address only three types of abuses with some of the abuses like domestic violence, financial or material abuse falling into these categories.
Who is a narcissist?
A narcissist is someone who has a kind of mental illness. Narcissists are those people who have certain beliefs about themselves and their self-esteem which they think as the best in the world.
Bitterness to Betterment
Have you been hurt and wounded? Have you been grieved or put through an injustice without so much as an apology or perhaps something that even an apology could not compensate or fix? Have you not dealt with your emotional pain intentionally but let it fester into bitterness?
Ways to getting your confidence back
Those who know are ultimately much more confident in any arena than those shrouded in ignorance. Use your spare time to read up on the things that interest you, on the things that you are curious about, and build up a solid base of knowledge and critical thinking. The more you know, the more sure of yourself you will be in any situation.
There is nothing that threatens the security of a wife than the thought of another woman competing for the attention and affection of her husband. Nothing is more painful. Nothing is more disrespecting. Nothing is more insulting. Nothing is more belittling and degrading.
Missing your husband
Let God be your husband this time.
There has to be something your prodigal is returning to; some order, joy, laughter, beauty.
15 Communication Dysfunctions
Sensitive Sally - She hides behind “I am so fragile, you hurt my feelings”. Her motto is, don’t tell me the truth. I can’t handle it.
Who are you?
If you are walking down the road, with the wrong man, you are in trouble. You cannot afford to make a mistake.
Who Am I?
Growing up and trying to answer this question for myself, I easily looked to the zodiacs majorly because that's what my darling mom most enthusiastically showed me. She presented to me an entire book on the subject. Either she handed the book to me directly or I found it in my grandma's old library where all her 7 children had kept all the books worth preserving all through their growing up years.
Abuse addiction
Have you ever been in an abusive environment only to find yourself unable to tear yourself away?
That you can’t live without the abusive person and keep going back for more?
That you find yourself feeling ‘disturbed’ and ‘distracted’ when placed in a peaceful atmosphere without your abuser?
About a Quintessential SELF-LOVING Budding Young Woman (2)
So it was that come this other day, yet in my dear friend Adaure's company, I began to prod my witty friend for more tete a tete.
"So tell me more about abusing and abounding, please, Adaure".
"Oh, I've learnt to abase and to abound. Yet not I", she says.
"I care nothing for most things the world gloats over.
For me, I watch in quiet observing."
About a Quintessential SELF-LOVING BUDDING Young Woman ( 1)As a young girl
As a young girl, dudes would come by in different automobiles, daddy/uncle/friend -borrowed, attempting to woo her.
And somehow, she never quite saw them automobiles, never quite took a notice.
This is a Rose. Beautiful yet thorny.
Imagine you're averse to thorns and you pick up a rose.
Sometimes, you touch the heart of certain people and some touch yours. You just have a canny understanding of who they truly are; their essence, even when sometimes they deter from it.