About a Quintessential SELF-LOVING Budding Young Woman (2)


So it was that come this other day, yet in my dear friend Adaure's company, I began to prod my witty friend for more tete a tete.

"So tell me more about abusing and abounding, please, Adaure".

"Oh, I've learnt to abase and to abound. Yet not I", she says.

"I care nothing for most things the world gloats over.

For me, I watch in quiet observing."

Tell me how you deal with competition and peer pressure maybe", I ask.

"Competition?? Never been me. Don"t know how to. Won't go that route, not at all.

What I do instead, is to compete against myself. Always.

Where am I going? What are my values? How far have I come? How much more do I have to go?

That's my striving.

Are you ambitious, Ada?

"Frankly, the word is strange to me. Not sure I understand its meaning.

OK was Mary Slessor ambitious??

I love to serve in my areas of strength. That gives me immense joy. Ultimately, it translates into income, into a sowing and reaping to the measure that I serve and pray along side.

God leads me and I follow. Scared to death of running in my own might, so I wait for His leading, and follow.


Is that Ambition??

I've been asked the question a few times;

Ambitious or Not??

And I smile.

For me, it's not about what to eat or drink but about my process and the things I learn along the way; to each his own.

We each have a responsibility to our own frankness.

So in my learning to abase, I abase with pride in Him with whom I have to do, cos I see more than mere seeing. And in abounding, I'm unmoved by the bling. I can be quiet.

Yes, I've learnt much. And I'm grateful for it all" (those keen eyes welling up in gentle, joyous tears).

Now that's my friend Adaure for you. Interesting young lady if you ask me....

Ndidi Adekunle

Ndidi Olamide Adekunle, the Lord's Handmaiden as she likes to be remembered, is first a woman hungry for the truth of God, then a loving wife to a Missionary Evangelist, mother to three growing kids, a Consultant for the Education industry in her country Nigeria, and an Intentional Parenting advocate.

In that order.

She's had her fair share of  life's trials and tests and has come to know for herself without a doubt, the efficacy of God's word given to man, and of the blood of Jesus shed for man.

Having come to understand also, that the mind and heart of Abba Father, is an intimate relationship with His people. As such, His standing plan for the restoration of all things, to man, here on earth, and ultimately in the New Creation.

Where sin abounds, His grace doth much more abound.

This she knows, is Truth and desires that all may come to the same practical understanding, and together we may walk in it, and grow in it.

So help us God.




About a Quintessential SELF-LOVING BUDDING Young Woman ( 1)As a young girl