About a Quintessential SELF-LOVING BUDDING Young Woman ( 1)As a young girl

As a young girl, dudes would come by in different automobiles, daddy/uncle/friend -borrowed, attempting to woo her.

And somehow, she never quite saw them automobiles, never quite took a notice.

Same thing in her University days, men would flock about trying to get the attention of the birds, and their lark, was their luxury cars and possessions. And surely, 'ladies loved cool james', (some christian ladies too), yet for some weird reason, not her.

Was she crazy or plain out of touch with the scheme of things?

However, give her a deep conversation that opened the windows to a beautiful searching heart that's pure and 'fine', searching for the real essence of life,

And you'd get her full attention.

And that was rare and far between.

Apparently, material things never did it for her and never would. Wasn't exactly out to prove there was anything wrong with that per se. It just wasn't her, period! So she subtly demanded, that her stand be respected, at least.

Oh, she loved the good things of life, 'course she did! Only that she'd learnt how to abase and to abound.

Also, once speaking to her, she quoted a bible verse saying, "I seek a house whose builder and maker is God".

Thus the journey itself to be-coming, means a lot to her and she intended to savour every bit of the adventure. Plus fact that, "I loooove a good story. Always will".

Said she.

Continuing she adds a mouthful,

"Some, to buttress gift giving , speak of God 'giving' His only begotten son, but really look at it.

Did He give a Ferrari?

Or did He give His very heart?

His future?

His essence?

Knowing full well that you give to get??

That he who saves will lose and he who loses will save?"

Thus she left me with much musing.

And so was a beautiful evening spent in the company of my young beautiful friend with a keen heart, Adaure.

What do you think of the witty young woman?

Ndidi Adekunle

Ndidi Olamide Adekunle, the Lord's Handmaiden as she likes to be remembered, is first a woman hungry for the truth of God, then a loving wife to a Missionary Evangelist, mother to three growing kids, a Consultant for the Education industry in her country Nigeria, and an Intentional Parenting advocate.

In that order.

She's had her fair share of  life's trials and tests and has come to know for herself without a doubt, the efficacy of God's word given to man, and of the blood of Jesus shed for man.

Having come to understand also, that the mind and heart of Abba Father, is an intimate relationship with His people. As such, His standing plan for the restoration of all things, to man, here on earth, and ultimately in the New Creation.

Where sin abounds, His grace doth much more abound.

This she knows, is Truth and desires that all may come to the same practical understanding, and together we may walk in it, and grow in it.

So help us God.


About a Quintessential SELF-LOVING Budding Young Woman (2)
