10 Ways to Cope with Toxic Stress
Stress that is prolonged, severe, or chronic can cause significant problems with health and development. (Franke, 2014).
5 Building Blocks of Imbibing Resilience
"When the going gets tough, the tough get going", they say. Who is able to look adversity squarely in the face?
Ever been in a relationship where you felt shortchanged? Like you were giving way more than you were getting? Like way more was being expected of you than you felt was justifiable?
The Echoes
When I was younger, I loved going to empty rooms,
The reason was I loved echoes.
Beautiful Variety
Variety they say, 'is the spice of life'.
Life is full of a wild variety of colours, designs, species, races, names, tribes, cultures, and even thumb prints and snowflakes, for Pete's sakes!
Isn't it interesting how life often throws us curve balls? As my hubby (clergyman) would often say ;
Where is God in the Marriage Equation?
Where did the marriage story begin? Marriage was always in the heart of God. First, He created Adam. He breathed His life into him and he became a living soul.
A Type of Joy
This is how we fall into gloom.
We shed tears that have deep stories
and own pain with great history.
Curve Balls
Life does throw people curve balls.
The thing is, usually, we feel for orphans and widows, don't we?
The pillars that be
Every building needs a foundation to ensure that a house stays in place and does not collapse.
The 'Illogical' Power of Friendship
Have you ever watched an animated movie? Then you're familiar with this type of scene.
Naked yet Unashamed
I don't exactly have the words to say, but of late, I have been contemplating the matter that's termed love—the complexity and intensity of it all. The truth and reality of it?
That Thing Called Love
Love has been often described by the tingling sensations one feels.
How to Stop Being Your Own Opposition: Self Doubt and its Limitations
“I’m not cut out for this, it’s impossible”. “Why should I even bother? It’s me, so I'm definitely not gonna get it”.