Grace Abound for Women Foundation

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There's vibration in the motion of the birds

the synergy in their unperturbed composition

speaking power into the clouds

awakening life in continuous movements

black living dots of beauty

seizing your breath in astonishment

of such little wonders

There's vibration in the motion of the birds

the synergy in their unperturbed composition

is like the rippling seas in high tide

thick as life's blood

strong as love's hold

It would cause a halt in your motion

that you help relish in their moment

as they soar higher into the sky's depth

something you can only imagine

What fierceness only these lives have

tiny pieces crushable in your hold

yet their vantage is mighty

to halt your steps.

What peace reigns in their accord?

what strength in their numbers?

Black dots of such wonder

what then in you man

halts the motion of nature?

There's vibration in the motion of the birds

the synergy in their unperturbed composition

is life that greater lives envy.