“Why am I here?” is a question we often ask ourselves.

Each one of us has been blessed with God-given skills and potential to fulfill our destiny. The pursuit of self-discovery and self-mastery is one of the greatest journeys we can embark on. This process is not outside of the Creator but with Him and in Him. In my experience, any other path can only lead to dissatisfaction and severe failure if left unchecked. Ultimately, the quickest way to discover why you are here is to ask the One who put you here and then align yourself with His plan, regardless of whether it aligns with your own ideas or not.

Ten years ago, as a computer scientist, my passion solely revolved around building IT platforms. Writing children's books was the furthest thing from my mind. However, as I write this now, I can confidently say that I have left the shores of doubt concerning God's plan for me to write, and I have committed myself to His unfolding plan.

The topic of purpose is vast and gives meaning to our existence. We were created to walk in good works which God prepared for us before the foundation of the world. Therefore, embarking on this journey is not a time-wasting mission but the opposite.

Your purpose was pre-approved before you got here

It takes great courage to align your ambitions with God's plan and say, "I surrender my own desires to follow yours." Once you discover your purpose, God wants you to run your race with determination and not look back. He wants you to run like a champion and win the prize, because he believes in you and knows that you are fully equipped to succeed.


A common pitfall on the journey to discovering one's God-given purpose is the temptation to compare oneself to others or to mimic their path. However, true fulfillment comes from embracing what is unique and authentic to oneself. Your purpose will feel natural and enjoyable, occupying your thoughts and generating endless ideas. When the right path presents itself, you will know it because it will fit you perfectly.

Taking permission

Women often prioritize the opinions and approval of others when making decisions about their destiny. For example, a woman who is called to pursue a career as a pilot may feel the need to consult with 1-3 family members before making a decision. Throughout her journey, she may also experience self-doubt.

Furthermore, many women wait for an invitation to pursue their calling, prioritizing the comfort and approval of others over their own dreams.

However, fulfilling one's purpose requires the confidence to walk in what has been given to you, regardless of others' opinions. Ultimately, we will be held accountable for fulfilling the purpose that we were uniquely equipped to achieve.

Invest in yourself

Discovering your gift is only the beginning of the journey; one must then grow in their gift. This growth process involves seeking counsel, being open to criticism and correction, becoming versatile, and potentially learning new supporting skills. It's never too late in life to learn a new skill and develop your talents further. Remember, growth is a continuous process, and the more you invest in your gift, the more you will reap from it.

Serve others

These points only scratch the surface of the topic of purpose. However, one crucial reminder is that we are blessed to be a blessing. Whatever gifts God has given us are meant to be shared with the world for the benefit of others and for His glory.

Anything we withhold will eventually wither away. A musician who doesn't perform for the enjoyment of others is no different from someone who can't sing at all. Take time to reflect on the gifts God has given you and how you can use them to serve the greater good.

By Arvin Kaufman

Reflections on finding purpose

Arvin Kaufman

Arvin Kaufman is married and lives in Abu Dhabi with her husband and son. She is a lover of God’s word.

Arvin studies, teaches and writes about scripture to encourage and build others. She is the author of the Christian blog Salvation Engine. Among her recent works is a children’s book titled “The ABCs of God”, a monthly editorial content for a column in the Christian newspaper, Good News Uganda and a bible study vlog by the same title – Salvation Engine

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