Grace Abound for Women Foundation

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The 'Illogical' Power of Friendship

Have you ever watched an animated movie? Then you're familiar with this type of scene.

The protagonist is surrounded by enemies on each side. She's often already bruised and badly wounded. Her fate seemingly decided, she's about to fight with her last remaining will to survive. Then suddenly, the tumultous music changes. The gloomy ambience slowly gives way to more colour as a figure appears in the distance. It's the protagonist's aide, but she's not just a faithful sidekick or an assistant---she's her loyal companion. Determined and fueled by their usual camaraderie, they wheeze through the befuddled looks on their foes, ultimately defeating them with the infamous and 'illogical' power of friendship.

But is it really illogical? Sociology has shown that humans were not designed to live alone. In fact, in the wild, the rule of thumb remains significant-- isolation equals death. To survive, we need to stick together because that's truly what friends are for. We are often very powerful on our own. Strong and resilient enough to tackle all kinds of problems. But with our friends and the combined effect of our power, we become an impenetrable force, illogically tackling even the most herculean of problems.

It's easy to lean towards absolute independence, wanting to do things on our own. But there are heights we can only reach when we stand on another's shoulders. Hidden treasures we can only find when we see through the eyes of another.

You've been chasing a thousand? How about the chance to chase ten thousand? Keep being a good person, and gravitate towards people who share your values, beliefs, and aspirations. So that when the world watches how unstoppable you all become, it defies all kinds of logic and reason.