Grace Abound for Women Foundation

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The Echoes

When I was younger, I loved going to empty rooms,

The reason was I loved echoes.

I would shout at the top of my little voice and be excited that the sound of my voice echoed

This only happened when rooms were empty.

With little or no furniture,

Nothing to give that room personality,

Just the sound of my voice bouncing off the walls and suddenly filling up that empty room.

The human mind operates in a similar way,

It can be empty yet so full,

With no tables of beliefs

Or chairs of instructions.

The noise from the world echoes very easily,

Like a little child throwing a tantrum

It demands to be heard.

Like a sponge thrown into water,

You absorb every word thrown at you.

Like it would beautifully fill up the space in your mind.

You are then left with the echoes of different voices,

The negative ones choose to settle and build tables of doubt, fear, and every negative thing it could bring.

Your mind then becomes a room full of hate, envy, bitterness, and sadness.

It's time to clear out that room and let clarity come.

Allow the creator of your mind, fill the emptiness instead.

You are now left with carefully and intricately made furniture that suits the room called your mind, the tables of joy, the chairs of peace, and every other thing that is good and perfect.

Now, when the noise of the world comes, fear not.

You might hear it but they can't fill the room of your mind.

The echoes are gone.