Grace Abound for Women Foundation

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Missing your husband

Let God be your husband this time.

There has to be something your prodigal is returning to; some order, joy, laughter, beauty.

Please don't show him anything ugly, for he's in a bad place presently and showing him more ugliness, bears no virtue, not for you, not for him.

He won't come home out of pity or a sense of responsibility but more out of what he will likely be missing, that he isn't getting at all.

Mind you, gourmet cuisine hardly counts now because apparently, they can pay for gourmet cuisine whenever they want it.

It's time for your own spiritual, emotional, physical and psychological growth.

Ask God to show you (He showed/taught me all), armed with the nitty gritty stuff I knew about my husband.

It was I who really knew the man, and that was arsenal. The Father (His maker) and I became a team. Nothing in the world could beat that

Begin thinking of your husband's possible core needs and desires that you probably never met, say out of sheer innocence.

Think less of yourself and more of his own needs.

Also, begin to mend your children's opinion of their father (especially if he was a good man and a good father to them, prior ). It's important that kids see their parents in good light. Without telling lies, keep their perspective of him positive, for their own sakes. Begin to mend that. Let everyone be invested in loving him and bearing understanding for him.

The way of bitterness is a hard route and has nothing in it for you but more evil.

Let's start with that, sister. Not easy, but you'll beat this situation hands down if you calm down and do it God's way.

No force under the earth and anywhere, can beat true love.

When true or perfect love is truly formed, it'll break whatever philosophy or stronghold or mindset and send it packing .

And your husband will come home, naturally. Of his own free will.