Beautiful Variety
Variety they say, 'is the spice of life'.
Life is full of a wild variety of colours, designs, species, races, names, tribes, cultures, and even thumb prints and snowflakes, for Pete's sakes! Everywhere you turn, is variety.
It's therefore obvious, you'll agree, that variety is the way the maker of the universe, planned things to be.
Is it a wonder then that each individual comes with different personalities, abilities, talent (or lack thereof which in itself is it's own unique specie don't you think?).
I believe that this plethora of variety, is how the universe preserves itself.
Each man brings their own 'colour' or variety,
with which to serve his or her community as he himself is being served by another.
This explains the food chain, see?
The water cycle,
Trade by barter and the general concept of 'exchange' or 'value' as you may call it.
Thing is, if we don't understand that giving value, is how life is to be lived, we may find ourselves in quite a rot.
What 'legit' thing of value have you got to offer?
Then again, value is also what the supposed receiver, is willing to pay or to give, for it.
So, our place, is to constantly finetune or upgrade our value offer, in order to first of all appeal to someone or some people and while at it, keep upgrading that value, for obvious reasons.
In the same vein, there are abstract things of value that each individual has to offer. Things that make us unique to ourselves.
In a team for instance, each individual brings a different persomality to the table, that makes the interaction all the more colourful, entertaining and worthwhile.
The reason we miss people when we don't see them.
Bottom line really is, if you have nothing at all to give, please bring your beautiful self wrapped in robust, healthy, amiable character.
That in itself, is priceless.
Sometimes, that's all we ask for, really.
And sometimes, character is in such short supply it becomes pricey.
Ever seen a man whose character is straight? Who's great to be around? Trustworthy?
Such a man (or woman), will always be valuable in society.
You can smell them from a mile away, spot them in no time at all, somehow.
So why worry, when we've all been so amply gifted by our creator, to bless our communities thereby?
Some of us know what we've been gifted to serve with.
Others don't even know that what they bear is valuable.
Yet, each one, every one, has been provided for, one way or another.
You have so much but no time to 'keep' it.
I have so little but so much time to give.
See now how you're gifted in your much, and I in my little?
The taller dude can harvest the mangoes, while the shorter dude waters the roots, until harvest day.
As a Nigerian proverb says; "you can't be taller
than me and shorter than me at the same time".
Need I say more??