Grace Abound for Women Foundation

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A Type of Joy

This is how we fall into gloom.

We shed tears that have deep stories

and own pain with great history.

We mourn ourselves

and the damage life has done to us.

We mourn our joys

forgetting the colour of sunlight

fresh flowers

clean air

and a bright clear sky.

This is how we fall into gloom.

We're manipulated by pain

into believing that we alone know the chords

that form the tunes of hurt.

That we alone understand the lyrics

of distraught

that we alone speak the language of


This is how we fall into gloom.

We hide behind lively smiles

giving cheerful high fives - "eye service".

We sing merrily and drink with those who


Dance like it's our last day on earth

(with hope that it just might be).

Cause pain is a meal best served in solitude

we have learnt to put up a show.

'Tis unfortunate that we do not see

that pain is a shared DNA

the one kind that moulds strangers into family.

And until we observe the cracks

in everyone's smiles

and the darkness in our eyes

We'll never learn

that we all share a broken type of joy.

That we all know the chords that form the tunes of hurt

that we all understand the lyrics

of distraught,

speak the language of misery

And can each smell a broken spirit

smiles and laughs apart.

This is how we fall into gloom.

We forget to see each other

and hold our cracks tight till they close up.
