Grace Abound for Women Foundation

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Who Am I?

Growing up and trying to answer this question for myself, I easily looked to the zodiacs majorly because that's what my darling mom most enthusiastically showed me. She presented to me an entire book on the subject. Either she handed the book to me directly or I found it in my grandma's old library where all her 7 children had kept all the books worth preserving all through their growing up years.

Oh how I dug into this book! You can imagine how interesting the content was to my young mind, 12/13 year old at the time. The book told of different fallacies and superstitions woven in very emotional writing so much so you'd want to believe it and hold it dear. And I did.

In a nutshell, it spoke of how people born within the same seasons and time, were all wired the same in personality.

They went ahead to try to explain how you could even predict your future by the signs. Also, that some dates were cursed and some blessed such that you'd better be careful what dates you pick out for your major events. Ha!

All hogwash!!

Yet I believed it at the time.

That, in addition to my natural propensities inherited from my parents, and their parents, etc. This second theory though, happens to be a fascination for most if not all kids. Scientifically proven to be quite true too, to a significant effect, unlike the previous theory of zodiacs that isn't backed much by empirical science.

Now those were my teenage years.

Forward to my twenties. I had graduated into books thst spoke of human temperaments, how they deferred from one another, and their common ground.

By this time, I'd become very suspicious and wary of the zodiac signs.

I'd also learnt that though the theory of heredity was true, it was still limited.

Was evident for instance that I was neither my mother nor my father, nor both their pair of parents before them.

Oh there was another theory thst spoke of that; they called it "reincarnation". That one, I threw out the window sooner than I'd heard it. Ha!

One thing was becoming clearer and clearer to me in all of this,

I was made a unique human and no one person in the whole wide world, was ever, or is, nor will ever be, same as me. Nor could I be them.

Not one.

Then in my undergraduate years, I was taught the theory of nature-nurture. This basically explains that a person's personality is borne out of a mix and match of his or her natural propensities by virtue of heredity, and environment/physical experiences. All these come together to mould who a person becomes.

Interestingly, this is a conclusion I was easily coming to by myself, with all my reading on the subject.

Thus, my embracing of it.

So I tell this long tale to say this;

That to all intent and purpose, by intentional exposure to the things we desire, we can and will be-come that which we seek.

We can be anything.

Maybe not be 'anyone' as in you be me and I you, No! Not in that sense.

My point though is,

Never put yourself in a box, not even the box of heredity, because whatever hand it is that nature or even experience deals you, can be un-dealt by route of intentional dedication to be-coming.

By the Grace and mercy of God, you can.

Yes you can!