10 Ways to Cope with Toxic Stress
Stress that is prolonged, severe, or chronic can cause significant problems with health and development. (Franke, 2014).
When such stress starts to create more challenges for a person's functioning, it is toxic stress. Toxic stress may occur when we face strong, frequent, or prolonged challenges. These may include abuse, neglect, violence, or substance use in the home. These experiences can trigger our body’s stress response. This response floods our body with “fight or flight” chemicals.
Toxic stress increases health risks like depression, anxiety disorders, sleep issues, digestive problems, heart disease, substance misuse, diabetes, and obesity. It has a long-lasting negative impact on physical health, immunity, behavioral health, and cognition. People who were neglected or abused as children may be especially at risk of experiencing high stress. Airplane crash survivors, people in the military, police, firefighters, and violent crime survivors.
How do you cope with toxic stress?
Focus on things you can control. Leave what you cannot control.
Strengthen healthy relationships.
Let go of unhealthy relationships.
Set strong boundaries and keep to them.
Maintain a good, healthy lifestyle and nutrition.
Work-life balance.
Exercise and go for walks.
Practice some relaxation techniques.
Set SMART goals.
Do not isolate. Build strong social connections.
If you are constantly stressed due to work, family, or an abusive relationship, please get help before it starts to affect your physical and mental health. Help is everywhere; you just need to ask for it. There is someone ready to listen and help you find the help and support you need.
You do not get it because you did not ask. Ask today for help!!!